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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Home Garden Design and Landscape Trends That Will Shine In 2016

What kind a model and type of home garden design and landscape trends that will shine in 2016.

Sentimental style garden with a strong landscape

Designing a home garden with a sentimental style evoke memory and honor family traditions is an important thing, home garden is the right area to create a peaceful atmosphere and warm when the whole family gathered together.

By 2016, you will see the trend of home gardens that will evoke your old memories for example build a swing in the garden which will evoke childhood memories. For the plant itself, the designers suggest to planting flowers garden with a variety of colors as well as green grass that will refresh the eyes.

Garden that able to calm the mind

Today many people who feel overworked and do not have time for themselves. So the home garden trends in 2016 will be more emphasis on the ability of the park to provide a calming effect and relaxes the mind. With the garden concept is able to make relax the mind, then the quality of togetherness with your family will feel more intense.

Garden with dim lights, water fountain, and the sound of the wind will evoke the atmosphere of calm that usually you get when on holiday alone. To make the atmosphere seem more dramatic, you can add a small statue on a fountain or a classic wood seat near the fountain.

Garden concept that combines technology, health and nature

Lots of people who want to make a change in their neighborhood so they can live a healthier life. Many people are increasingly aware that interacting with nature is a way to improve health and eliminate or reduce stress. The homeowners now start clicking explore and learn new creative ways to renovate their home Garden.

Many homeowners are now beginning to plant fruits vegetables and other plant species, so that they can interact with nature. In addition, by planting a variety of plants that are beneficial to health, they will save money every month.

Build a garden for a particular purpose

In 2016, it looks like the homeowners see their Garden as a place for the creation of the imagination so that crops are planted chosen for certain reasons. For example, homeowners plant lavender, jasmine, and other commonly used as aroma therapy bath or when they want to relax the mind by doing yoga in their spare time.

The homeowners also do not hesitate to choose to plant fruit is easy to maintain and can provide a unique look like trees graceful vines can also be used as canopy Garden, or plant crops that can be used as a beauty such as aloe vera which is usually used as a mixture of shampoo.

Animal friendly garden

Many homeowners love with their pets so that they create a garden that is also suitable for animal life. For example, if you have a dog, then garden should not have plants that are poisonous to animals.

You can add a dog house next to a garden for a unique look and attractive. Not only care about the environment, you can also show affection on pets by providing a fresh atmosphere every day, check pics below

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