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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Baby Room Ideas, Nursery Design and Decoration Guide

The idea to design and decorate the baby's room is quite different from others room of the house, because it needed special treatment in order to give a sense of comfort for the baby during the growth of their neurons motor.

Should be a baby be given a special room separated from their parents? The answer is yes. Child psychology experts have prove that a child who from infancy had been used to sleeping alone has an independent character, and not spoiled.

Because nobody on the right and left sides so they should be able to sleep on their own without being accompanied, experts say. Baby room is not only used to sleep but in which they grow and evolve.

If the baby has own room all the activities that can be done there, such as playing, eating, to change diapers. Level of hygiene items baby needs more secure because it does not mix with others, “however, since occupied by a baby who is not the same physical abilities as adults, baby room also require special treatment in design.

If the baby has own room all the activities that can be done there, such as playing, eating, to change diapers. Level of hygiene items baby needs more secure because it does not mix with others, “however, since occupied by a baby who is not the same physical abilities as adults, baby room also require special treatment in design.

Baby Room Location

Like a house, baby room should also have a strategic location, close to other parts of the house. Or, if not possible, make a baby room adjacent to the room of the parents. Locations such as this will allow you to control the baby, heard the sobs, and the activity they was doing.

However, if there is room in your house are very solid activity or noises, such as the kitchen, away your baby room from the room is noisy because it was feared the baby becomes difficult to break due to noise pollution.

Problem lighting and air circulation, you surely already know that the morning sun good for bone growth and teeth. Therefore, make sure your baby room gets morning sun and good air circulation so that bacteria can not breed in it.

Equipment for the Baby Needs

The following steps in laying out baby room is to determine what items should and should not be there in it. The child psychology expert explained that the furniture should be tailored to the baby needs and what activities are done in it.

For example, to sleep, it is necessary a crib, to store the baby’s needs required a cabinet. For the purposes of changing diapers, baby you need a credenza in which the upper part can be used to change a diaper.

As the baby room decor as well as stimulate the growth of motor nerve baby, do not forget to add a toy, which is usually hung above the crib. If you are breast-feeding in the nursery, you also need a comfortable sofa to support this activity. You can also add the radio and playing classical music is good for baby’s brain growth.

Baby Room Colors

What colors can be chosen to decorate the baby room? Soft pastel colors are the answer. Pastel colors are a mixture of primary colors with white, giving rise to a combination of soft but also to give a specific stimulus for the occupants of the room.

Avoid using colors that are too dark or too much contrast, like red, blue, or dark purple because it gives the effect of scary for the baby. In addition, the colors are not able to stimulate motor nerves to continue working, lets check it out...below

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